Strategic Foresight establishes the baseline of the NatAlli mentoring programme for highly educated Ukrainian women. It identifies potential challenges and opportunities likely to affect the success of the mentoring programme and proposes recommendations for strategies best suited to mentoring the next generation of women entrepreneurs and innovators fully capable of influencing and contributing to the regeneration process of economies and societies during and after crises in Europe.
From scanning the horizon of mentoring under crises we gain a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities of highly educated Ukrainian women and the key trends and drivers that could impact the future of Europe through focused research and analysis. As part of our comprehensive research and discovery, we interviewed highly educated Ukrainian women mentors in environmental scanning and consulted with external stakeholder organisations from the education, industry, and government sectors.
Download the report to explore our insights
The report develops a long-term perspective and plan for how mentoring could evolve in the future rather than simply reacting to short-term changes and challenges. In developing this vision, internal stakeholders, including project members, actively participated in scenario building and strategy development. This collaborative effort has resulted in a comprehensive plan that envisions the future of mentoring for highly educated Ukrainian women, ensuring they are equipped to lead and contribute to Europe’s recovery and growth.
Download our visionary approach
Co-funded by
the European Union
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